Local Flavor

Your Partners in

Locally Flavored,
Globally Inspired

Locally Flavored,
Globally Inspired

Mastering the Art of Event Organization and Marketing Excellence with Passion and Precision

Local Flavor

A Kuwaiti company specializing in Event and Corporate Activity Management Marketing Strategy Development Creative Marketing Content Creation

Locally flavored Globally inspired Locally flavored Globally inspiredLocally flavored Globally inspired

Our Clients

Throughout the course of 12 years, at Local Flavor, we have cultivated outstanding relationships and partnerships with prominent corporate and governmental entities in Kuwait and the Gulf. These collaborations have yielded a multitude of distinctive corporate events, innovative marketing campaigns, and widely acclaimed activities.

Our work

30th Anniversary of Wafra Investment

KFH Rebranding Event

Zain Fan Zone

– Khaleeji Zain 26

Behind The Scenes

– NBK Run 2024

NBK RUN - 2024

Gulf Bank Gala Dinner

